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LIKES received: 211
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Age: 48, Location: Fredericksburg, United States of America
"Caught off guard...."
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October 15, 2013
April 16, 2007
Lovely breasts, so perfect! xx
January 18, 2007
Puuuurrrrfect! love em
December 2, 2006
God damn you are amazing
July 28, 2006
Now those are waaay hot, very sexy
June 14, 2006
Great! 10/10
March 14, 2006
Love the hard nips. many more please.
January 22, 2006
I really like this photo,welll i like all your photos!
December 13, 2005
I wish you were caught off guard more often!
November 8, 2005
Your best pic, I love natiral breasts, and yours are top notch
October 26, 2005
Cute! Freackles are cute too...nice shape.
October 26, 2005
Stunning absolutely stunning thanks
October 25, 2005
Great nipples
October 25, 2005
VERY VERY NICE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
October 24, 2005
MMMMMMMMM freckles!
October 24, 2005
This chick is HOT! No doubt about it. Nice rack, nice stomach! Everything she has shown us in good! I think I am in love!
October 24, 2005
Great image. love your skin and your the freckles on your chest...among other things..
October 24, 2005
Yummy I love the ever hard nipples! so pretty!
October 24, 2005
A work of art. A solid 10. This is one of my personal favorites, and I think it will be your highest rated.
October 24, 2005
Should get caught like this more often - looks even better than usual!
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