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LIKES received: 245
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Age: 47, Location: , United States of America
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June 20, 2014
Wow! That is a hot pic
November 7, 2011
Cuddly cuddle cuddle
February 12, 2011
This picture has just made me cum 2 times in about 10mins... i cant stop staring at it perfect fucking curves perfect sexy lips everyhing is a 10
March 22, 2009
July 20, 2008
A gogous body, you have great symmetry all the way from your tits, to your hips, and love the red lips ... would love to remove those pasties and see your niplles ... 10
July 24, 2007
Very very hot in my book! those breast are awsome! Awsome skin tone as well I love it!!
July 24, 2007
Just lovely! Love those hips!
April 23, 2007
Wow! nice!
Don't worry about the "haters" they are just dumbasses. But honesty you are hot, nice breasts too!
April 6, 2007
Come on girl...I can only vote once....... play on the nsg boards with me.....
April 5, 2007
WOW, excellent tits 10/10
April 4, 2007
April 4, 2007
In the words of the song, you look wonderful tonight ... honest
April 4, 2007
Fuck those other comments ... i think you look brilliant ... and sure as hell I'd like to get into a sack with you anytime ... let's do it!
November 30, 2005
Man there's some jackass's. Anyhow, I think you have tasty mellons :)
October 7, 2005
Wow!! damn!!
October 17, 2004
Holy shit are u ever ugly. THATS A HUGE BITCH
May 25, 2004
To much scaring
April 22, 2004
April 21, 2004
Show your nipples
April 12, 2004
Holly boobman
April 7, 2004
1st off the enlargement and lift is a terrbile job, 2nd you look like a man (all except the waist).
April 1, 2004
April 1, 2004
Oh, Y
March 20, 2004
My first thought was you look like a real whore. When I looked closer you look like a blow-up doll, but a bad one, your left utter is bigger. I bet it was not intentional, haha.
March 16, 2004
Despite the fact I agree with Terje, your hot, and I would do you for hours. Now having said that, invest in some tanning sessions, and a stairstepper.
March 15, 2004
Ever heard of a thing called the sun?
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