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LIKES received: 196
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Age: 42, Location: Baton Rouge, United States of America
"All natural, just blessed"
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March 31, 2014
Consistently manipulated into the top but voting manipulation of ALL posted. Averages are constantly dropping for ALL POSTED, EXCEPT for a few. This is one of them! UNFAIR to other posters
June 17, 2013
Yet another working its way to the top for no apparent reason. Let's be far, this isnt even the best picture of her
April 15, 2013
BS!@ always working up to the top. Counts are extrordinarily jump by thousands. FIX site. UNFAIR to POSTERS!
February 27, 2013
Looks like Nacy Pelosi's daughter in this picture. Love the others
February 24, 2012
Amazing how this keeps working up in top... Voting is soooo rigged here! not fair to the beauties who post new
December 16, 2011
October 6, 2011
They are very nice!
April 29, 2011
March 30, 2011
Concur.. i can see this isnt your sexiest; i'm voting the other higher
March 29, 2011
Hmm not sure why this rated so high..looks a little manly.. BUT your other photos HOT..
March 11, 2011
Nice rack but you almost look like a dude here. I dont know why someone keeps voting you high on this photo. Others are great!
October 22, 2010
Don't fart in bed.
September 20, 2010
What a sexy smerk
June 18, 2010
You make me wanna crawl in bed with you what a sexy pic
May 3, 2009
May 3, 2009
Looking good !!! very sexy picture
May 2, 2009
OMG.. You are ready for a tittie fuck.. They are fantastic..
May 2, 2009
Nice...keep posting.
May 2, 2009
I love them! You have perfect nipples!
May 1, 2009
Very blessed indeed. and looking fantastic
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