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Age: 35, Location: , United States of America
"And this is what you would see if you were my feet."
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February 12, 2017
You're the reason for the term "happy feet". Love the view.
July 1, 2016
Great rack !!!!!!!!!!!!
December 27, 2015
Absolutely beautiful. except you're wrong. i would see that plus my cum that i shot up all along the way to your lovely face.
November 22, 2014
November 22, 2014
November 22, 2014
November 22, 2014
October 12, 2014
Best in its class.10.Find me here:
September 2, 2013
Show me what I would see if I was your inner thigh
April 9, 2013
That's what I would see with you riding my dick too! Let's make it happen!!!
February 28, 2013
Nice view
March 5, 2010
How old are you really Im hopin 15
February 11, 2010
And they look HUGE when you stand up... Love them!
August 24, 2009
Nice ass
April 4, 2009
Fantastic tits !
March 18, 2009
More pics please? :D you're so pretty!
March 10, 2009
Add more!
March 5, 2009
Your feet are lucky. :D and you're VERY pretty!
March 4, 2009
February 18, 2009
Beautiful boobies :) Funny to see how you're in Indiana, so am I, btw, 10/10 for those. MORE PICS PLEASE!!!! :D
February 14, 2009
This is what I would see if I were on my knees, with my tongue up your pussy...mmmmmm....*lick* Love those tits!
May 30, 2008
What a lovely view! Wish you were over the top of me right now...
April 12, 2008
Wonderfull boobs and pretty face
February 28, 2008
So so hot......10
February 23, 2008
Kick ass pic
February 21, 2008
Oh my god you are sooo hott....its not even fair
February 20, 2008
Sext tits
February 18, 2008
Sure would love to be there looking up after licking and sucking your hot pink............ 10+++++ Faved
February 17, 2008
Ummmm I would love to be your "feet"
February 17, 2008
Feckin hot! Great tits and cute too. Result!
February 17, 2008
Damn I'd love to be at your feet
February 17, 2008
Very sexy.. Also the view if I was licking your pussy.. Thats another pic I want to see..
February 16, 2008
Now I understand the origins of the phrase "happy feet".
February 16, 2008
February 16, 2008
How about from between your legs
February 16, 2008
Hot and very Sexy
February 16, 2008
One word - hot!
February 16, 2008
So that is what I'll be seeing when ya have a hold of my ears
February 16, 2008
I'll go with Kittcat's assessment, more please?
February 16, 2008
Great nipples
February 16, 2008
That is a nice look at those fucking huge tits!
February 16, 2008
Youa re a very beautiful woman!
February 16, 2008
well diver down to hell with the feet
February 16, 2008
Would that be the same view as having my face buried in you muffin ? Cause I can do that ya know!
February 16, 2008
To be your feet...
February 16, 2008
Wow...now thats a view i would love to see in person.....
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