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Age: 40, Location: ,
"Tell me.. what wolud you do to them?"
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June 28, 2011
Very hot!
May 10, 2011
Well lets says i'd be breats feeding until Im 110 and you'd always be preggers
August 4, 2007
WOW!!!!im lost for words
July 24, 2007
The list is very long, how much time do u have
July 22, 2007
These are GREAT tits VERY nice awesome shape and they look nice a firm! 10!
July 22, 2007
You don't mind ice or candle wax do you?


July 21, 2007
Probably kiss and suck them for a while, rub different parts of my body against them and then massage them
July 21, 2007
Give them a sqeeze and run my tounge round your nipples taking them in and sucking maybe give a lil bite :P
July 20, 2007
Oh, and these are absolutely some great tits!!
July 20, 2007
Gee, I don't think they would want me taking up all that space, but lets just say I would enjoy them greatly and make sure you enjoyed what I was doing with them as well!!! You don't mind ice or candle wax do you?
July 20, 2007
Kiss, caress, lick, suck, nibble on those luscious nipples. Squeeze together and suck both nipples at the same time! 10++
July 20, 2007
To much to put here in words
July 20, 2007
The better question si what would I not do to them.
July 20, 2007
Squeeze and suck them for hours
July 19, 2007
then i would kiss them better
July 19, 2007
i would fuckem tell the nips fell off
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