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LIKES received: 206
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Age: 37, Location: Madison, United States of America
"Look, but NO touchy!"
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February 12, 2007
Damn very nice
August 15, 2006
I'm just looking.SWEET,so young!
August 9, 2006
How about let's play force field? See the movie Stripes for details/rules of the game :-) Sexy titties!!
June 15, 2006
Im not gonna touch, just gonna caress!
June 15, 2006
...touch, but don't taste- Taste, but don't swallow.

Swallow...but don't spit.

10 again.
June 14, 2006
I guess I'll just have to touch myself now.
June 14, 2006
Fuck that I wanna touch!
June 14, 2006
What a TEASE you are!
June 14, 2006
Now if I could only tell if that was in a dorm on campus or not...
June 13, 2006
You have an extremely sexy body. It would be impossibe not to touch you if I were in the same room as you. Your DAMM HOT and SEXY!!!!! I'm sure your alot of fun
June 13, 2006
Oh, i'll def touch! 10!
June 13, 2006
You give a fever baby.
June 13, 2006
That is one smoking hot body!!!
June 13, 2006
Clean your room!
June 13, 2006
It's so hard to look without wanting to touch that fine body
June 13, 2006
God damn
June 13, 2006
DAYAM!!! thats hot, great bod boobs and face, total package
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