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LIKES received: 183
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Age: 63, Location: Boston, United States of America
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February 14, 2007
You are so beautiful, I would make love to you for days you are a godess. Don't listen to these other people they do not know real beauty when they see it. Don't change anything about yourself and definatley don't shave. I admire your courage for posting this on this site words cannot express how beautful you are. Thank you.
August 23, 2005
Damn ! Butt Fucking Ugly... Look like 74 not 44 !! Bury that shit....
April 27, 2005
I feel quilty about poor comments I made to other people because you make them all look like beauty queens.
April 27, 2005
OMG! Why would someone so disgusting post her pics? And they old pics arn't any better. Even in your prime you were nothing to look at. You look used and abused. Truely disgusting. YUCK!
January 7, 2005
January 2, 2005
Excuse me while i vomit, uuuugggghhhhhhhh
October 31, 2004
Try shaving your arm pits! That's GROSS!!! You must be french. By the way, that was an insult...
October 14, 2004
Yummy, id love to cum all over you
August 19, 2004
August 5, 2004
This is the most disgusting picture i've seen on this site. I can't believe you would summit this yourself. I hope you never submit another picture again. You probably will any ways. From the looks of it(black eye)you dont' listen very well.
July 23, 2004
See, I knew you guys loved me !!! Just for being so nice I posted a couple older pics you guys might like.
July 22, 2004
I gotta admit, I spanked to your pics baby....
July 19, 2004
This doesnt actually look like shes doing it of free will...
July 13, 2004
You are ungodly disgusting. You have a full out bush on your pits your stretch marks resemble a watermelon and ur tits look like theyve been run over by an 18 wheeler....collect your remaining dignity while you can and get your ugly ass off this site
July 11, 2004
*vomits on shoes* Goddamnit you mole-faced beast of a woman, those boot were expensive! Christ! What in the name of all that's holy were you thinking by posting that pic here. There's one use left for you, bacon. But hell, I wouldn't eat it. Congrats to whoever gave you the black eye, hope they do it agian.
July 11, 2004
U should be ashamed of urself. first u need to shave. put some steaks or cucumber on ur eye better yet face and ur chest isn't all that. u a mess girl. I give u a 0 cuz u should know better at ur age.
July 7, 2004
Ok pig, it's like the other guy said, we all understand that time, gravity and I'm guessing at least 3 or 4 kids have ruined what was probably a pretty nice body 20 years ago. It's not your fault, we know that now please stop inflicting this upon all of us. It isn't our fault this happened to you and we're sorry but please stop. please
July 6, 2004
Yes woman, but most of us also slow down and look at car and train wrecks too. It's not that we like the shit, it's just a morbid curiousity. sorta like death photos if you're into that shit, which I'd guess most of the guys checking you out are. Please, go with the ski mask suggestion
July 5, 2004
Yes, you are right. I do find you incredibly sexy. But you know what really turns me on? A ski mast and snowsuit! Post all the rest wearing that and you'll get all 10's from me!
July 5, 2004
Ah yes, but you keep coming back for more though don't you. Admit it, you're fixated and can't get enough of my big soft breasts. I'll bet you'd like to see them all swollen up and full of milk wouldn't you. don't worry, I have LOTS more to post, just because you love me so much.
July 4, 2004
Hey its the malicious poster!! You can change your name but you can't fool me! My god. Can we get a fund going to get her a lady bic or something? She must like abuse what with the comments we give her and that black eye. Now I have to go stare at 2boobies4u for a while. Well, a while longer anyway.
July 4, 2004
Nice stomach babe love the marks and also the hair i would dot the other eye too
July 4, 2004
Them arm pits look like you got Buckwheat in a headlock!! in all seriousness, I hope you called the cops out to your trailer for whomever dotted that eye! hehehe
July 4, 2004
Love the hairy arm pits very sexy, nice black eye too, as i do recall this is the best you have ever looked (LMFAO)
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