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Age: 50, Location: Athens, United States of America
"They like to be touched, even if I have to do it myself this time..."
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December 21, 2007
With such nice huge titties like yours, you should never have to do it for yourself. Tell you what. Just call me over and I will touch them all you want. Only, you might have to make me stop.
May 6, 2007
Omg............very nice
May 6, 2007
November 21, 2006
August 9, 2006
any time you need help im here for you
August 9, 2006
August 8, 2006
Damn I was just in Athens!! Well those are nice to say the least
August 8, 2006
Lucious titties!
August 8, 2006
I would LOVE to touch them..........myself!!!!
August 8, 2006
Oh God YES, I would be more than happy to do that for you?! Suckling those babies and gently nibbling on those nipples :-) 10++
August 8, 2006
CC you are just one fine woman...
August 8, 2006
OH you are breakin my heart,babe! you shouldn't have to do that yourself! i could pleasure those babies all day long. suckin,lickin,pinchin(gently of course). your fantastic boobs are just made for pleasure. MINE AND YOURS. HERE'S A 10
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