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Just had this thought running around my brain for some reason. Maybe because my girl and I just had an awesome love making session. She's on the IUD. They say its suppose to be like the next best thing to tubes tied or being snipped. But I'm always a worry wort. So click your answer, and tell me why. smile.gif
My other half and I are actually trying for a rugrat... That seems to be working for NOT getting her pregnant...
LOL, well Ill pray for ya man. Good luck with that. smile.gif
she uses the pill right now and it seems to work. she used to get a shot that was good for 3 months and no period or anything, but her sex drive went into the shitter. or maybe it was that she found me revolting wink.gif
wife couldn't take the pill, so i used a condom for more than 10 years until she had her tubes tied.
Were using the pill. Now we've switched over condoms and timing the cycle. Trying to let the hormones come back to normal for awhile.

Ratt, I found that going to Roswell, New Mexico seemed to do the trick. Thanks to those damn alien abductions (ha ha) we did not get to have much fun practicing to make the rugrat.
QUOTE(foghorn @ Nov 15 2005, 10:44 AM)
wife couldn't take the pill, so i used a condom for more than 10 years until she had her tubes tied.

after we had our son, my wife didnt want to take the pill while breast feeding so we used condoms for like 6 months. But once that condom came off , the sex was better, but it only lasted like 3 minutes haha.
We havent used birth control in a long time. We have a 10 month old. Now he pulls out and I swallow grinning-smiley-003.gif
QUOTE(Kiana @ Nov 15 2005, 01:08 PM)
We havent used birth control in a long time.  We have a 10 month old.  Now he pulls out and I swallow grinning-smiley-003.gif

a very underrated method!
QUOTE(Ratt @ Nov 15 2005, 09:10 AM)
My other half and I are actually trying for a rugrat... That seems to be working for NOT getting her pregnant...

same here...and I agree smile.gif
I use condoms and I use Magnum Condoms.....

... to carry the condoms I normally use in laughing-smiley-014.gif
I'm fixed! 08.gif
Birthcontrol don't work neither does the shot . Got two kinds and wire was on the pill for one and the pill and shot for the second and my oldest kid was with rubber. I guess I'm that .1% that it don't work for.
QUOTE(cowboy @ Nov 15 2005, 04:19 PM)
Birthcontrol don't work neither does the shot . Got two kinds and wire was on the pill for one and the pill and shot for the second and my oldest kid was with rubber.    I guess I'm that .1% that it don't work for.

u weren't eating the rubber and rubbing the pill on yor dick were you? tongue.gif
I've gotten those 2 confused b4
QUOTE(Gnappster @ Nov 15 2005, 05:13 PM)
u weren't eating the rubber and rubbing the pill on yor dick were you?  tongue.gif
I've gotten those 2 confused b4

laughing-smiley-014.gif maybe I should have done it that way maybe it would have work laughing-smiley-014.gif
Well, let's see. Can't use the pill/patch because I had a bad reaction to estrogen. Can't use the shot, makes me have awful periods. Can't use rubbers, I'm allergic to latex. Can't use the IUD, allergic to copper.

Short of sterilization, I'm screwed. sad.gif
none. Enought said. not pregnant and no kids! Just lucky..or maybe unlucky.
took the pill..gained 20lbs..
sad.gif ugh.
QUOTE(hott1976 @ Nov 15 2005, 05:52 PM)
took the pill..gained 20lbs..
sad.gif  ugh.

you should've let me know... i could've helped you work it off 24.gif
QUOTE(beenabadnurse @ Nov 15 2005, 06:26 PM)
Well, let's see.  Can't use the pill/patch because I had a bad reaction to estrogen.  Can't use the shot, makes me have awful periods.  Can't use rubbers, I'm allergic to latex.  Can't use the IUD, allergic to copper. 
Short of sterilization, I'm screwed.  sad.gif

there is always abstinence jerkit.gif
QUOTE(Gnappster @ Nov 15 2005, 05:52 PM)
there is always abstinence  jerkit.gif

rrrrright... laughing-smiley-014.gif
QUOTE(Gnappster @ Nov 15 2005, 02:04 PM)
a very underrated method!

I sure enjoy it 2thumbs.gif
QUOTE(Gnappster @ Nov 15 2005, 06:52 PM)
there is always abstinence  jerkit.gif

Whats that??? coz.gif
QUOTE(Kiana @ Nov 15 2005, 06:55 PM)
Whats that??? coz.gif

Its a form of birth control I am forced to practice on occasion laughing-smiley-014.gif
QUOTE(Gnappster @ Nov 15 2005, 06:52 PM)
there is always abstinence  jerkit.gif

I have sex so infrequently, might as well be abstinent. dry.gif
That's gotta be by choice, you're quite the babe!
QUOTE(my_secret @ Nov 15 2005, 09:47 PM)
That's gotta be by choice, you're quite the babe!

I agree sad.gif
QUOTE(johnfreak @ Nov 15 2005, 09:27 PM)
I agree  sad.gif


I've been meaning to tell you, that picture makes me wanna bite your nipple. 08.gif
QUOTE(beenabadnurse @ Nov 16 2005, 01:41 AM)
I've been meaning to tell you, that picture makes me wanna bite your nipple.  08.gif

Don't hold back now smilio05.gif
Sure is nice to see all these posts. I've been fairly lacking in posting lately, glad I started this poll / thread now. Some good talks from ya'll. Hey guys, since birthcontrol should be our responsibility too, be aware that soon™ there will be a pill / injection for us that is 100% effective. No if's and's or but's about it. The pill we would take just like the ladies do, one a day. The injection isn't really an injection. It's 3 cylinder rods that get inserted under the skin in your arm pit. They last for 3 years I think. The downside to those though, is you have to go into the doctor every 6 weeks for testoserion injections, otherwise, you lose your sex drive. Personally, I'm looking forward to this. I'll go pill myself, but since its 100% effective, as in, NO CHANCE IN HELL OF ACCIDENTS!, I want in! So I have to take another pill with my vitamin in the morning, big whoppy do. Least I won't have to hear the, "Even though I'm on *whatever* for birthcontrol, I think we should get a test and make sure..." Nothing makes my blood pressure sky rocket nearly as fast as that. Ok... Well Dentists do, but that others topic, smile.gif

More info on the guy pill thing
QUOTE(Mezrein @ Nov 16 2005, 02:36 AM)
Sure is nice to see all these posts. I've been fairly lacking in posting lately, glad I started this poll / thread now. Some good talks from ya'll. Hey guys, since birthcontrol should be our responsibility too, be aware that soon™ there will be a pill / injection for us that is 100% effective. No if's and's or but's about it. The pill we would take just like the ladies do, one a day. The injection isn't really an injection. It's 3 cylinder rods that get inserted under the skin in your arm pit. They last for 3 years I think. The downside to those though, is you have to go into the doctor every 6 weeks for testoserion injections, otherwise, you lose your sex drive. Personally, I'm looking forward to this. I'll go pill myself, but since its 100% effective, as in, NO CHANCE IN HELL OF ACCIDENTS!, I want in! So I have to take another pill with my vitamin in the morning, big whoppy do. Least I won't have to hear the, "Even though I'm on *whatever* for birthcontrol, I think we should get a test and make sure..." Nothing makes my blood pressure sky rocket nearly as fast as that. Ok... Well Dentists do, but that others topic, smile.gif

More info on the guy pill thing

I dunno, the testosterone injections don't sound safe. The Male Pill sounds much better, as it encorporates the testosterone so no injections needed. Something about men taking extra testosterone just frightens the hell out of me a bit! laughing-smiley-017.gif
Ya, I hear ya there. The only reason for it is because the rods don't automatically balance it out like the pills do. smile.gif
the only problem i see with the man pill is forgetting to take it. then i'd be like, "i forgot to take the pill a couple times, should i refrain from having sex today?" the answer of course will be, "no!".
What about good old fashion dirt roadin, no need for birth control at the back door 2thumbs.gif
Dude, there's no need for birth control at all when you're a fag! coco.gif
QUOTE(Kiana @ Nov 16 2005, 12:02 PM)
Dude, there's no need for birth control at all when you're a fag! coco.gif


that being said, kiana is quite fond of her girl-on-girl action smilio09.gif (i just wish she'd share it with us sometime bang.gif )
QUOTE(Gnappster @ Nov 15 2005, 10:20 AM)
she uses the pill right now and it seems to work. she used to get a shot that was good for 3 months and no period or anything, but her sex drive went into the shitter. or maybe it was that she found me revolting wink.gif

Can never remember to take the pill, had the shot and just like your lady, lost all my sex drive!! Don't bother with anything now and god am I horny!! tongue.gif
Ya see that is the problem with the male pill. You miss a day and you're ready for action... But honestly, if you take vitamins, and YOU SHOULD BE. you shouldn't miss a day, smile.gif
Hot mama
i have my Tubes tied
i have 2 children!!!!!
QUOTE(Mezrein @ Nov 16 2005, 10:30 PM)
Ya see that is the problem with the male pill. You miss a day and you're ready for action... But honestly, if you take vitamins, and YOU SHOULD BE. you shouldn't miss a day, smile.gif

thanks Dr. Mez tongue.gif
well I take vitamins and protein shakes everyday but the odd day I might forget to take it for whatever reason, which is no big deal, but it is when you're taking birth control. I still like Kiana's method best....except I don't want to be the one swallowing wink.gif
I'm on the pill, I've been on the pill since I was 17. I have had not too many problems...I have gained some weight, and had worse feelings of depresssion. But two years ago I went on seasonal, 1 period every three months is awesome!! grinning-smiley-003.gif So, I really dont care about the lil extra weight and feel sadder some days! We also use condoms...and when he doesnt use a condom he pulls out.
Sounds like you're not trusting of your birthcontrol?
QUOTE(Kiana @ Nov 16 2005, 01:02 PM)
Dude, there's no need for birth control at all when you're a fag! coco.gif

Kiss one guy and it follows you around forever dry.gif
Kiss one guy and admit to it and it follows you forever... tongue.gif
Truer words have never been uttered, So, how bout those Bears popc1.gif
I use to take the pill..I would get sick from them so i stopped
I prefer the "JERK AND PRAY" method.. give you something exciting to look forward to every month... "COME ONNNNNNNNNNN PERIOD.. WOOOHOOOOO"
lmaooooo@Jerk and pray...Nah that doesnt work for me...Im not about to worry myself every month...and besides you can still have your period and be pregnant at the sametime blink.gif
Maybe im just shooting blanks then tongue.gif cuz ive been doing it for yearrrrrrrrrrrs hahahaha tongue.gif confused-smiley-013.gif
The pill
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