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RMM Message Board > > Shoot The Breeze
QUOTE(badgirlpinky @ Aug 24 2013, 07:46 PM)

Yep, we are doing it in Washington State. We will see if the feds allow us to actually pull it off. Just this summer - I got stoned a few times with a lady friend --- the first time in years. The sex was good, but I tend to prefer being straight. But I think it is progress to legalize it.
- Somfan
QUOTE(somfan @ Aug 25 2013, 12:53 AM)
Yep, we are doing it in Washington State.  We will see if the feds allow us to actually pull it off. Just this summer - I got stoned a few times with a lady friend --- the first time in years.  The sex was good, but I tend to prefer being straight.  But I think it is progress to legalize it.
- Somfan

I definitely think it should be legalized!
for me weed makes me super fkin horny, i do not see how this could possibly be a bad thing?
QUOTE(badgirlpinky @ Sep 2 2013, 09:28 PM)
for me weed makes me super fkin horny, i do not see how this could possibly be a bad thing?

I dont see a difference wink.gif
QUOTE(crimson @ Sep 2 2013, 09:57 PM)
I dont see a difference wink.gif

lol, trust me.... theres a difference
QUOTE(badgirlpinky @ Sep 3 2013, 01:48 PM)
lol, trust me.... theres a difference

Mmmm woo 22.gif
me gusta
QUOTE(me gusta @ Sep 3 2013, 04:54 PM)

sweeeeeet 03.gif
I think My home state just legalized Medical weed . We shall see how long that lasts .
me gusta
QUOTE(ddd35 @ Sep 11 2013, 11:12 AM)
I think My home state just legalized Medical weed . We shall see how long that lasts  .

Lucky !
QUOTE(me gusta @ Sep 11 2013, 10:19 AM)
Lucky !

So the legal growers get rich
me gusta
QUOTE(ddd35 @ Sep 11 2013, 02:56 PM)
So the legal growers get rich

Not sure where you're at but in California one can grow up to 100 plants for personal use if one has a medical card !
QUOTE(me gusta @ Sep 11 2013, 02:12 PM)
Not sure where you're at but in California one can grow up to 100 plants for personal use if one has a medical card !

Nice , I got a good friend that raising Medical in Colorado and is getting rich doing so
me gusta
My bro inlaw just moved to colorado I'm eager to visit him so I can get a colorado Id ..then every time I visit I can walk the street smoking lol! Till then this homegrown Austin bud will do!
QUOTE(me gusta @ Sep 12 2013, 03:37 PM)
My bro inlaw just moved to colorado I'm eager to visit him so I can get a colorado Id ..then every time I visit I can walk the street smoking lol! Till then this homegrown Austin bud will do!

Sounds like a plan 2thumbs.gif
I have mixed feelings but I an NOT for just legalizing it for medical purposes. Either make or completely legal or give up the charade.
QUOTE(jdubl @ Sep 12 2013, 05:02 PM)
I have mixed feelings but I an NOT for just legalizing it for medical purposes.  Either make or completely legal or give up the charade.

Sounds like a plan to me , And then tax the sale of it to fund the schools . tongue.gif
me gusta
The first year Colorado legalized it they brung in over 2 million in tax revenue. ..
Just to be the one person to say otherwise (even though I have smoked a lot in the past), I'd say F* no to legalizing it for one reason....testing. There is no clear way to test for it given the time it stays in your system. Ever driving stoned before? Worse than alcohol. The first car accident where people are stoned and a few get killed will see it overturned.
I think it is the primary reason you can't legalize it anyway. The other thing is psychosis....believe it or not quite a few people commit suicide on it.
me gusta
QUOTE(5thattempt @ Sep 20 2013, 09:13 AM)
Just to be the one person to say otherwise (even though I have smoked a lot in the past), I'd say F* no to legalizing it for one reason....testing. There is no clear way to test for it given the time it stays in your system. Ever driving stoned before? Worse than alcohol. The first car accident where people are stoned and a few get killed will see it overturned.
I think it is the primary reason you can't legalize it anyway. The other thing is psychosis....believe it or not quite a few people commit suicide on it.

I believe that is the only reason it hasn't been legalized in all states. ...for alcohol there is the breathalizer and blood test but for pot nothing...
I read somewhere they either have already or are working on a finger prick that reads out a number like a breathalyzer.
It has nothing to do with the has to do with pharmaceutical lobbies not being able to profit from it and losing customers from patented drugs like marinol....and also lawyers who make shit tons of money off of stupid people who don't know how to safely partake...and ignorant people who believe 20th century propaganda...the government who is notorious for....well I won't go into that....
Just has NOTHING to do with the plant itself....

As long as more and more medical and psychological research NOT funded by the NIH/NIMH keep coming out consistently disproving uninformed and biased stereotypes...hope is just over the horizon for people suffering from countless diseases and illnesses that are currently unable to receive relief from modern day poisons...

Ps.... driving "stoned" is a lot more safe than driving drunk...let's forgo the antiquated thinking, shall we?
QUOTE(SophZ3 @ Sep 20 2013, 08:06 AM)
I read somewhere they either have already or are working on a finger prick that reads out a number like a breathalyzer.
It has nothing to do with the has to do with pharmaceutical lobbies not being able to profit from it and losing customers from patented drugs like marinol....and also lawyers who make shit tons of money off of stupid people who don't know how to safely partake...and ignorant people who believe 20th century propaganda...the government who is notorious for....well I won't go into that....
Just has NOTHING to do with the plant itself....

As long as more and more medical and psychological research NOT funded by the NIH/NIMH keep coming out consistently disproving uninformed and biased stereotypes...hope is just over the horizon for people suffering from countless diseases and illnesses that are currently unable to receive relief from modern day poisons...

Ps.... driving "stoned" is a lot more safe than driving drunk...let's forgo the antiquated thinking, shall we?

I am hoping that momentum builds for legalizing/decriminalizing pot in the same way that it is building for gay marriage.
Doesn't matter to me. Never touched the stuff, never will.
QUOTE(me gusta @ Sep 16 2013, 05:46 PM)
The first year Colorado legalized it they brung in over 2 million in tax revenue. ..

holy shit! 2 million ohmy.gif
QUOTE(SophZ3 @ Sep 21 2013, 01:06 AM)
I read somewhere they either have already or are working on a finger prick that reads out a number like a breathalyzer.
It has nothing to do with the has to do with pharmaceutical lobbies not being able to profit from it and losing customers from patented drugs like marinol....and also lawyers who make shit tons of money off of stupid people who don't know how to safely partake...and ignorant people who believe 20th century propaganda...the government who is notorious for....well I won't go into that....
Just has NOTHING to do with the plant itself....

As long as more and more medical and psychological research NOT funded by the NIH/NIMH keep coming out consistently disproving uninformed and biased stereotypes...hope is just over the horizon for people suffering from countless diseases and illnesses that are currently unable to receive relief from modern day poisons...

Ps.... driving "stoned" is a lot more safe than driving drunk...let's forgo the antiquated thinking, shall we?

Its fine to have an opinion Soph, just ease up on the name calling. We never got into qualifications or experience, so you have limit info to call my thinking antiquated don't you think?
QUOTE(5thattempt @ Sep 20 2013, 09:52 PM)
Its fine to have an opinion Soph, just ease up on the name calling. We never got into qualifications or experience, so you have limit info to call my thinking antiquated don't you think?

Did I say "you, 5thattempt are a _____"??? No I did not....
We could get into qualifications if you like jerkit.gif

"Antiquated thinking" does not equal name calling....It is what it is....

Also...I'd like to know the sources for which you've declared that stoned driving is worse than drunk driving...evidence/empiricle in....not your own youthful adventures....

By your logic....alcohol should be the most illegal and deadly product in all human history...
QUOTE(SophZ3 @ Sep 20 2013, 08:06 PM)
Did I say "you, 5thattempt are a _____"??? No I did not....
We could get into qualifications if you like  jerkit.gif

"Antiquated thinking" does not equal name calling....It is what it is....

Also...I'd like to know the sources for which you've declared that stoned driving is worse than drunk driving...evidence/empiricle in....not your own youthful adventures....

By your logic....alcohol should be the most illegal and deadly product in all human history...

I think the main underlying question here is what is good public policy in regard to drugs, especially marijuana. The so called War on Drugs, especially marijuana has and will continue to be a dismal failure that has resulted in ruining many people's lives. Other illegal drugs should be dealt with primarily as public health issues. Whether one uses marijuana or not should be a personal choice. I am wary of driving on marijuana. When I have done so, I felt that I had been somewhat impaired and I won't do it again- just like I won't talk on a cell phone or text when driving.
QUOTE(somfan @ Sep 20 2013, 11:56 PM)
I think the main underlying question here is what is good public policy in regard to drugs, especially marijuana.  The so called War on Drugs, especially marijuana has and will continue to be a dismal failure that has resulted in ruining many people's lives.  Other illegal drugs should be dealt with primarily as public health issues.  Whether one uses marijuana or not should be a personal choice.  I am wary of driving on marijuana.  When I have done so, I felt that I had been somewhat impaired and I won't do it again-  just like I won't talk on a cell phone or text when driving.

The "war on drugs" was a very ill-conceived political farce that was only semi-relevant in the absence of modern science. Epic failure is putting it kindly... If people want to get high off their ass, there are so many "technically legal" ways to do it I can't even think of them all this early in the AM lol
Until they can manage/obliterate Rx drug abuse, alcoholism, and rampant overdose deaths from deadly illicit drugs, I really don't care to hear any nonsense about how dangerous cannibis's just simply not...

I think any form of driving while impaired or distracted is a bad thing , from drinking , drugs , texting , phone, ipods . Any of these and others can cause a person to wreck or worse yet cause a wreck . I don't think anyone can argue that , there is just to much proof in the media today . tongue.gif
QUOTE(ddd35 @ Sep 21 2013, 11:38 AM)
I think any form of driving while impaired or distracted is a bad thing , from drinking , drugs , texting , phone, ipods . Any of these and others can cause a person to wreck or worse yet cause a wreck . I don't think anyone can argue that , there is just to much proof in the media today .  tongue.gif

I agree. Maybe we should go back to 1800s times where the fastest you could go by carriage was 30mph...... ph34r.gif

I've seen so many stupid people driving down the road doing all sorts of ridiculous and dangerous things:
-reading 50 shades of grey
-overfilling vehicles with double the bodies as there are seatbelts
-eating double cheeseburgers with both hands
-beating unbelted children from the front seat
-smoking cigs with one hand and sipping Starbucks with the other
-shaving face and/or legs
-743 dogs flying all over the car
-drinking a 40 while leaving the liquor store lol
-senile geriatrics going the wrong direction
-etc etc etc I could go on forever

Driving PERIOD isn't safe! Whether by your own mistakes or other people's....
Can't outlaw driving bc some people can't do it right can we?
QUOTE(SophZ3 @ Sep 21 2013, 01:31 PM)
I agree. Maybe we should go back to 1800s times where the fastest you could go by carriage was 30mph...... ph34r.gif

I've seen so many stupid people driving down the road doing all sorts of ridiculous and dangerous things:
-reading 50 shades of grey
-overfilling vehicles with double the bodies as there are seatbelts
-eating double cheeseburgers with both hands
-beating unbelted children from the front seat
-smoking cigs with one hand and sipping Starbucks with the other
-shaving face and/or legs
-743 dogs flying all over the car
-drinking a 40 while leaving the liquor store lol
-senile geriatrics going the wrong direction
-etc etc etc I could go on forever

Driving PERIOD isn't safe! Whether by your own mistakes or other people's....
Can't outlaw driving bc some people can't do it right can we?

You make my point , yes there are so many stupid things that people do while they drive it is truly scary , hell just yesterday we had a guy sleeping while driving crossed the center line hit a hubby and wife and sent her to the hospital . Now why would anybody sleep @ 2 in the afternoon ? I guess maybe he could have been coming down who really knows . the rumor was he was drunk , Not the case just to long a day at work .
And By the way I still have a horse Drawn Carriage and sleigh so I could go back to the early day if I had to .
QUOTE(ddd35 @ Sep 21 2013, 02:41 PM)
You make my point , yes there are so many stupid things that people do while they drive it is truly scary , hell just yesterday we had a guy sleeping while driving  crossed the center line hit a hubby and wife and  sent her to the hospital . Now why would anybody sleep @ 2 in the afternoon ?  I guess maybe he could have been coming down  who really knows . the rumor was he was drunk , Not the case just to long a day at work .
And By the way I still have a horse Drawn Carriage and sleigh so I could go back to the early day if I had to .

That's awesome. Come pick me up!! LOL
QUOTE(SophZ3 @ Sep 21 2013, 02:06 PM)
That's awesome. Come pick me up!! LOL

Might take me a few doll
QUOTE(ddd35 @ Sep 21 2013, 03:07 PM)
Might take me a few doll

Pony Express it!!! smilio12.gif
QUOTE(SophZ3 @ Sep 21 2013, 02:22 PM)
Pony Express it!!!  smilio12.gif

LOL Ill get right on that tongue.gif nah.gif
QUOTE(ddd35 @ Sep 21 2013, 03:23 PM)
LOL  Ill get right on that  tongue.gif  nah.gif

Yo.....I'm still waiting!!!!! It's getting dark and I'm about to get mommy-napped!!!!!! LOL!!!
QUOTE(SophZ3 @ Sep 21 2013, 06:29 PM)
Yo.....I'm still waiting!!!!! It's getting dark and I'm about to get mommy-napped!!!!!! LOL!!!

Oh No , don't want that to happen , Im hurrying but My horse took a wrong turn going thru Missouri tongue.gif
Legalise it! Note: it does not cause mental instabilities, although it can indeed trigger underlying issues.
QUOTE(natraltits @ Sep 25 2013, 07:32 PM)
Legalise it! Note: it does not cause mental instabilities, although it can indeed trigger underlying issues.

I think they should legalise it already, people are gunna smoke it anywayz, why not earn sum tax on it instead of letting criminall gangs profit. I have a friend with fibromyalgia n she is in constant pain, wish it was legal for her to get sum releif without popping pills.
QUOTE(natraltits @ Sep 25 2013, 06:32 PM)
Legalise it! Note: it does not cause mental instabilities, although it can indeed trigger underlying issues.

100% CORRECT! 2thumbs.gif
QUOTE(SophZ3 @ Sep 21 2013, 03:31 PM)
I agree. Maybe we should go back to 1800s times where the fastest you could go by carriage was 30mph...... ph34r.gif

I've seen so many stupid people driving down the road doing all sorts of ridiculous and dangerous things:
-reading 50 shades of grey
-overfilling vehicles with double the bodies as there are seatbelts
-eating double cheeseburgers with both hands
-beating unbelted children from the front seat
-smoking cigs with one hand and sipping Starbucks with the other
-shaving face and/or legs
-743 dogs flying all over the car
-drinking a 40 while leaving the liquor store lol
-senile geriatrics going the wrong direction
-etc etc etc I could go on forever

Driving PERIOD isn't safe! Whether by your own mistakes or other people's....
Can't outlaw driving bc some people can't do it right can we?

There was this guy Darwin and he had a theory about stupid people (and other life forms)....
me gusta
QUOTE(badgirlpinky @ Sep 20 2013, 07:51 PM)
holy shit! 2 million ohmy.gif

And it was a woman's idea..! smile.gif
me gusta
Fyi I took a drug test for work today and I aced it even though I smoke lastnight and did the wakeandbake this morning!
QUOTE(me gusta @ Oct 17 2013, 12:41 PM)
Fyi I took a drug test for work today and I aced it even though I smoke lastnight and did the wakeandbake this morning!

Wow....this says a lot about the geniuses administering these tests...or....were they stoned too!? What a brilliant pro-mj move....staff testing centers with people willing to pass their toking brethren!! laughing-smiley-014.gif
me gusta
QUOTE(SophZ3 @ Oct 17 2013, 02:12 PM)
Wow....this says a lot about the geniuses administering these tests...or....were they stoned too!? What a brilliant pro-mj move....staff testing centers with people willing to pass their toking brethren!! laughing-smiley-014.gif

Nope I just know all the short cuts!! It was clean piss just not mine lol!
QUOTE(me gusta @ Oct 17 2013, 01:27 PM)
Nope I just know all the short cuts!! It was clean piss just not mine lol!

OMG lol....
me gusta
Not a cannabis user, but am for legalising it:

* Potential Cancer Cure
* As a Biofuel, cheaper than Petrol
* Can be grown as a crop and farmed year round
* Taxes from legalising cannabis could help fund Hospitals, Small Businesses etc.
* Cheaper to use as a parchment than paper - thus saving trees from the chop
* Helpful as a pain-reliever if you have arthritis/rheumatics

Sod Big Pharma - legalise it.

QUOTE(5thattempt @ Sep 20 2013, 09:13 AM)
Just to be the one person to say otherwise (even though I have smoked a lot in the past), I'd say F* no to legalizing it for one reason....testing. There is no clear way to test for it given the time it stays in your system. Ever driving stoned before? Worse than alcohol. The first car accident where people are stoned and a few get killed will see it overturned.
I think it is the primary reason you can't legalize it anyway. The other thing is psychosis....believe it or not quite a few people commit suicide on it.

Man I don't know what planet you live on but alcohol is far worse than marijuana driving on your body the way you act everything
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