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Occasionally women who post here post links to other websites where they have more fabulous pics posted.

Being a big fan of the ladies or RMM, I was hoping those ladies who do have other profiles would post links to them here.

I was just inspired by anny123 profile on zoig

I also just found Perie's zoig profile - I have to say she has some wonder pics and video's on there - thanks for sharing Perie!
QUOTE(chicagoBob @ Jul 9 2009, 11:06 AM)
Occasionally women who post here post links to other websites where they have more fabulous pics posted. 
Being a big fan of the ladies or RMM, I was hoping those ladies who do have other profiles would post links to them here. 
I was just inspired by anny123 profile on zoig

I also just found Perie's zoig profile - I have to say she has some wonder pics and video's on there - thanks for sharing Perie!

Nice links. This post really should have been in either sex talk or the members only conference, though. blink.gif
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