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Full Version: On A Serious Note
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I know being serious is a total antithesis of who i am most of the time but I can be once in a while when it matters.

I ask all of the lovely ladies of RMM to keep up with their breast exams and to get to the docs when and if you discover something unusual in your breasts.

All of the years I have been coming to RMM and watching you lovely ladies show us your boobs I never ever once thought about if you girls are taking care of them smile.gif

With the latest celebrity news of Christina Applegate and her decision to have a Prophylactic Mastectomy it got me thinking about you girls on here. Just for the record a Prophylactic Mastectomy is the opted removal of a healthy breast along with the one that is cancerous.

Well to show you how much I care here are some links to help you out with info and how to do an exam.

Breast Cancer Page at Cancer.Gov
Breast Cancer at The Mayo Clinic

Here are links to Breast Self Exam Vids

Lymphatic Breast Massage

Standing Partner Breast Exam

Self Exam

I am sure every guy on here will want to help you out with your respective exams. If you want them to then by all means let them but make sure they do it correctly.

Just because I love you girls and your boobies is why i even brought up such a crazy topic on the forum. But it is one that I think is pertinent to a boob rating site. I want to see you girls and your boobies for a long time so the best way to do that is to help you take care of them smile.gif

I may start a thread on the top melons section of you girls proving to me that you are taking care of your boobies by having an exam pics section biggrin.gif
Well said C-Man.

Here in Australia we just had Daffodil Day - which is to raise money for Cancer Research. The stats here is that 1 in 3 suffer or have suffered from cancer, and the other 2 know somebody that has.

This is a serious matter, and can make trouble for women (and men) of all ages. I urge all the women here to check. And thanks to C-Man for the links... hopefully no-one here will suffer, but please, help to spread the word.

QUOTE(COMEDYMAN @ Aug 28 2008, 03:52 AM)
I know being serious is a total antithesis of who i am most of the time but I can be once in a while when it matters. 

I ask all of the lovely ladies of RMM to keep up with their breast exams and to get to the docs when and if you discover something unusual in your breasts. 

All of the years I have been coming to RMM and watching you lovely ladies  show us your boobs I never ever once thought about if you girls are taking care of them smile.gif

With the latest celebrity news of Christina Applegate and her decision to have a Prophylactic Mastectomy it got me thinking about you girls on here.  Just for the record a Prophylactic Mastectomy is the opted removal of a healthy breast along with the one that is cancerous.
Well to show you how much I care here are some links to help you out with info and how to do an exam.

Breast Cancer Page at Cancer.Gov
Breast Cancer at The Mayo Clinic
Here are links to Breast Self Exam Vids

Lymphatic Breast Massage

Standing Partner Breast Exam

Self Exam
I am sure every guy on here will want to help you out with your respective exams.  If you want them to then by all means let them but make sure they do it correctly.
Just because I love you girls and your boobies is why i even brought up such a crazy topic on the forum. But it is one that I think is pertinent to a boob rating site.  I want to see you girls and your boobies for a long time so the best way to do that is to help you take care of them smile.gif

I may start a thread on the top melons section of you girls proving to me that you are taking care of your boobies by having an exam pics section biggrin.gif

Well Done food-smiley-004.gif
Nice work true. I should really go and get the boob press done.
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