Hey all. Just wanted to say thank you to all the members for their kind comments and PM's. Really makes a girl feel good!
I've had a few reoccurring q's that I thought it might help to answer so here goes:
My hubby and I are exploring a open relationship and he's involved in most of my activities. We have fun with this together...
I love looking at hard cocks, especially when I know it's verified or even hotter if it's a pic or video with me in the background... Love cumshots too!
I'm open to people contacting me if you enjoy my pics. I like to trade and chat and have fun!
My husband and I are both straight. Although I like the idea of potential swinging or couples play and I would love for him to have fun with a playmate too... So girls feel free to send stuff too for him! That would be hot!
I'm also curious about doing a potential mfm.
If you have more q's just feel free to PM me or email me if you got stuff you want to share. mistress555@yahoo.com
Thanks again!