I still can't see if some guy is checking on me, maybe you guys are just so good at it? Or maybe I don't get any looks
I don't mind girls looking at my bae as long as they don't grab his ass without permission 😂
After divorce and this new relationship I was at a concert and wearing my red leather corset. I didn't get any compliments, no guy approached me and I didn't notice anyone checking on me. I keep wondering why.
Same thing when I was young and in the bar every Friday.
Maybe it's these Finnish guys who are too shy? Or maybe i just look like a rats ass?
My bae said that when we were dating 21y ago it was a bit scary how confident I was nd how I always knew what I wanted. So maybe I just scare guys away?
Ex manage to make me feel like a failure....
But I'm still very fond of my melons and my changed body is mine and I can watch myself from the mirror and be happy
Thanks to my bae <3