October contest has started!
The user with the highest total number of uploaded pics between 1st Oct - 31st Oct wins 20$!
Do NOT post your pics here, you need to upload them for the rating site here.
Don't miss the rules: 1. The person on the photo must be you and over 18 years old! 2. ALL uploaded files from registered users takes part automatically at the competition! 3. Everybody has equal chance to win. The winner receive 20 USD by Paypal or Amazon.com gift card (winner can choose). 4. Winner is the user who has uploaded the highest numbers of pics during this month. 5. The pics should differ. If too similar files were submitted, it will count as 1. 6. A pic can only be used 1 time. Don't upload the same pic every 2 weeks. 7. The winner agrees to post on the RMM board confirming that he/she has received the prize. 8. If we have doubts about the authenticity of a photo (do not steal them from the internet), we will ask for a proof that it is you (like holding a paper with "RMM" in front of your boobs, without a face). 9. Male users can also participate at the contest and upload boobs from wife, gf or colleagues :-). But we reserve the right to ask for the authenticity of uploaded pics like women has to proof. Photos taken from the internet will not take part at the contest. 10. The final decision is made by RMM.
rating melons is my day job