Current age: 32
Are you straight, bi, or gay: straight
Age of first handjob (by someone else):... hmmm I don't think I let anybody do that yet
Age of first blowjob: 17... yeah old I know
Position you prefer partner to be in when they give you BJ: it varies
Have you ever been in a circle jerk: nah
How old were you when you first had sexual intercourse: 17
How many sexual partners have you had: a couple
What is your favorite sexual position: as long as Melons are bouncin in my face
Where's your favorite place to cum in or on (pussy/ass/face/breasts/etc): breasts
Have you tried anal and how old were you when you did: nope. nothin goes in back there. only out
What do you prefer...pussy or anal: pussy. give me that nice pussy.
How often do you masturbate: I've cut down a lot on it. maybe once a week
Do you like to be dominate or submissive: depends on the female. But I like a more middle ground. That way there is some say from both and it becomes more enjoyable for both
What is something you've never tried but really want to: a 3some with 2 females. Anybody willing?