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RMM Message Board _ Member's 411 - All about me _ Long Time Member

Posted by: S-Man Dec 22 2014, 12:50 PM

I've been a member for quite a few years and have been around quite a bit but for some reason I don't think I ever properly introduced myself but I see that things are still booming and going well here. And many beautiful women as well.

So hello. My screen name is S-Man. I'm a hard working man. I love music. I love video games. And I love breasts. I am a breast man which is why this place is perfect for me. I'm not afraid to show anything off. I do enjoy having fun and meeting new people. Very laid back. Ummm... I'm not sure what else I'm supposed to do here. Hoping I at least get a couple of replies. Heh. Well... This is me in a nutshell. Feel free to ask anything. I'm like an open book.

And I shall continue to rate those lovely melons.

Posted by: icandoit Dec 22 2014, 02:35 PM


I 'borrowed' this from Miss Chickie but it seems so perfect to get people started,

Current age:
Are you straight, bi, or gay:
Age of first handjob (by someone else):
Age of first blowjob:
Position you prefer partner to be in when they give you BJ:
Have you ever been in a circle jerk:
How old were you when you first had sexual intercourse:
How many sexual partners have you had:
What is your favorite sexual position:
Where's your favorite place to cum in or on (pussy/ass/face/breasts/etc):
Have you tried anal and how old were you when you did:
What do you prefer...pussy or anal:
How often do you masturbate:
Do you like to be dominate or submissive:
What is something you've never tried but really want to:

Posted by: closeup Dec 22 2014, 03:36 PM

I want to see Icandoit's answers to these questions. And add this one to the list: What's the biggest thing you've ever had in your pussy? Was it man or man-made?

Posted by: icandoit Dec 22 2014, 03:49 PM

QUOTE(closeup @ Dec 22 2014, 02:36 PM)
I want  to see Icandoit's answers to these questions. And add this one to the list: What's the biggest thing you've ever had in your pussy? Was it man or man-made?

Nope. Not my thread

Posted by: closeup Dec 22 2014, 05:19 PM

Doesn't matter to me what thread you post in-I'll find it sooner or later. Welcome to the boards S-Man.

Posted by: S-Man Dec 22 2014, 08:20 PM

Current age: 32
Are you straight, bi, or gay: straight
Age of first handjob (by someone else):... hmmm I don't think I let anybody do that yet
Age of first blowjob: 17... yeah old I know
Position you prefer partner to be in when they give you BJ: it varies
Have you ever been in a circle jerk: nah
How old were you when you first had sexual intercourse: 17
How many sexual partners have you had: a couple
What is your favorite sexual position: as long as Melons are bouncin in my face
Where's your favorite place to cum in or on (pussy/ass/face/breasts/etc): breasts
Have you tried anal and how old were you when you did: nope. nothin goes in back there. only out laughing-smiley-014.gif
What do you prefer...pussy or anal: pussy. give me that nice pussy.
How often do you masturbate: I've cut down a lot on it. maybe once a week
Do you like to be dominate or submissive: depends on the female. But I like a more middle ground. That way there is some say from both and it becomes more enjoyable for both
What is something you've never tried but really want to: a 3some with 2 females. Anybody willing? wink.gif

Posted by: S-Man Dec 23 2014, 09:23 AM

Looking back... and looking at the current I have to say right now my fave is misthis.

But back in the day... Bounce ... damn she was hot. How many folks remember her?

And hhwehzh0? And then there is also hannah1976.

So many good ones. I miss Bounce.

Posted by: BraXpert Jan 5 2015, 06:13 PM

sadly I think Bounce was a fake ohmy.gif but hhwehzh0 is definitely a classic, shes still around just not as talkative lol

Posted by: S-Man Jan 8 2015, 10:25 AM

Well that sucks about Bounce... But shoot the pics were classics.

but hhwehzh0... yeah I do miss her. Those were definitely some good inspiring times looking at her. biggrin.gif

Posted by: valoish Jan 8 2015, 12:23 PM

Current age:
Are you straight, bi, or gay: straight
Age of first handjob (by someone else): 16
Age of first blowjob: 16
Position you prefer partner to be in when they give you BJ: 69
Have you ever been in a circle jerk:no
How old were you when you first had sexual intercourse: 18
How many sexual partners have you had: 7
What is your favorite sexual position: doggy
Where's your favorite place to cum in or on (pussy/ass/face/breasts/etc): pussy and/or breasts
Have you tried anal and how old were you when you did: yes 19
What do you prefer...pussy or anal: pussy
How often do you masturbate: very often!
Do you like to be dominate or submissive: dominate
What is something you've never tried but really want to: won't tell!!!

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